A number of bad bills have begun to pop up in the North Carolina
Legislature. With all the media's attention on
President Obama's shenanigans in
we can't afford to sit by and let the troublemakers in
Raleigh go unnoticed.
Below are some of the bills that have been
introduced with action items to take for defeat. Please contact your representatives in the
NC House and the NC Senate and urge them to oppose these bills.
To find
out who represents you in Raleigh,
CLICK HERE and use the "who represents me" search by zip code on the lower-right side.
H88 - The Healthy Youth Act (aka. comprehensive sex education)
year's "comprehensive sex education" bill never made it out of
committee thanks to grassroots conservatives like us. But now, the bill
is back and so once again we need to take action. Note how the primary
sponsors have titled this the "healthy youth act." What a fraud! This
revised bill tries to calm the fears of parents opposed to immoral sex
education in the public schools by giving parents a choice of
abstinence or "comprehensive sex education." But, as that old saying
goes: the devil is in the details.
Section 5, part A of H88 reads
"Teaches respect for marriage and committed relationships" - a green
light for the schools to equate gay, lesbian, transgendered and any
other type of relationship with the sacrament of marriage between one
man and one woman.
Section 5, part D reads "Teaches about the
effectiveness and safety of all FDA-approved contraceptive methods in
preventing pregnancy." In other words: birth control and abortion.
Bills such as H88 are a gold mine for supremacist judges and activist
plaintiffs. Her
e's what could happen if H88 passes and is signed into
law: A gay-rights group could sue the NC public schools, demanding that
books like "Heather Has Two Mommies" be taught under Section 5, part A
of the bill. Representatives from the abortion industry could also sue
for their agenda to be included in the public schools under Section 5,
part D. Please contact the leaders of the Committee on Education where
H88 currently resides.
CLICK HERE for committee members.
H207 - The Safer Communities Act (aka. hate crimes)
H88, the sponsors of this bill have made sure to cover up their agenda
with "safer communities act." Again, the devil is in the details.
Section 2 starts off with "Ethnic intimidation; teaching any technique
to be used for ethic intimidation"
Part A goes on to clarify ethnic
intimidation to include "real or perceived sexual orientation" in
addition to the descriptions of every other human being on the face of
the earth. First of all, we already have laws against assaulting,
stalking and making threats, so this new bill is not needed. H207, if
passed and signed into law will be another green light for militant
plaintiffs and supremacist judges.
Faith-based groups who minister to
convert homosexuals could find themselves prosecuted for "ethnic
intimidation" under H207. Anyone who wants to play the victim could
file a lawsuit charging "ethnic intimidation."
Our First Amendment
rights would be assault. H207 has been assigned to the Committee on
Judiciary I. Please contact members of this committee and urge them to
shelve this intimidating bill.
CLICK HERE for committee members.
H161 - Require Six-Year-Olds To Attend School (anti Home school bill)
parent who home-schools their child should get on the phone right away
to their representative in the NC House and members of the Committee on
Education where H161 resides.
Section 1 requires parents/guardians to
make sure their child between age six and 16 attends school
continuously for a period equal to the time which the public school to
which the child is assigned is in session.
Section 1 clarifies "school"
as "all public and non-public schools as have teachers and curricula
that are approved by the State Board of Education." Parents of children
who continue to miss "school" for what the public schools deem
unexcused absences must work with a "school attendance counselor" to
"eliminate the problem".
This is a nanny-state, Hillary Clinton, "it
takes a village" bill that will intimidate the rights of parents who
choose private, parochial and home school for their children.
Section 1
could turn out to be especially dangerous if people like
Bill Ayers or
Ward Churchill wind up on the State Board of Education and start
determining approved curricula. Please contact members of
the Committee on Education and urge them to oppose this bill.
CLICK HERE for committee members.
H177 - Healthy Families and Healthy Workplaces Act (anti-small business bill)
Carolina's unemployment rate is now higher than the national average so
why on earth should we pass a law that will drive more employers out of
business and out of our state?
That's what H177 will do by requiring
that all workers have paid sick leave to address their own health needs
and those of their families.
Many small business simply can't afford to
provide 32 hours of accrued paid sick leave for every employee and
large businesses can afford leave North Carolina for other states (or
countries) where the government won't require them to provide 56 such
hours per employee. H177 is with the Committee on Commerce, Small
Business and Entrepreneurship.
CLICK HERE to contact members of this committee.
S14 - Create Employment Safety and Security Commission
anti-business bill that will halt entrepreneurship and chase
job providers out of North Carolina.
S14 creates a new taxpayer-funded
bureaucracy and intimidates employers with big-brother oversight and
costly business modifications. Part III, section 9 of the bill defines
this new commission's "advisory council" to include representatives
from labor (unions) and a "representative with a knowledge of migrant
labor" (illegal aliens).
CLICK HERE to contact members of the Commerce Committee; tell them to defeat this job-killing bill.
Editor's Note: James Andrew Dunn is state president of the
Eagle Forum North Carolina. Your blogger thanks him for this informative, yet frightening update.
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