The 80s song by the alternative group "The Smiths" comes to mind today, when thinking of the money President Barack Obama poured down the proverbial drain he signed the so-called Stimulus bill, which has mortgaged the future of our children and grandchildren. KCC's young son doesn't know it, but he'll spend his life working to pay it off.
Young Bobby is already angry at Obama for cutting NASA and the American space program. As his mommy and daddy have explained, the Chinese will now beat us back to the moon. Bobby dreams of being an astronaut and KCC hopes it is not already too late for him. In fact, he's ready to head for Pluto tomorrow, when called upon.
Meanwhile, Congressman Mike Pence (R-Indiana, right), chairman of the U.S. House Republican Conference, told Congress his own opinions about the Spendulus bill, on the eve of the CPAC 2010 conference:
"One year later, one thing is clear: the stimulus bill has failed. One year later, not one net job has been created as unemployment rose from 7.6 percent to nearly 10 percent nationwide. Mr. President, millions of Americans are asking, 'where are the jobs?'
"It is time for Washington to take a new approach to get this economy moving again based on time-honored solutions: fiscal discipline in Washington, D.C. and immediate tax relief for working families, small businesses and family farms. Let's put American families first, set aside the big government schemes on health care and energy and take decisive action to get this economy growing again."
For More Information: Please read A Stimulus Time Line One Year Later
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