Congressman Brad Miller (D-NC-13th) is the pride of the liberal wing of the NC Democrat party, but the bane of this blogger's existence. He has caused the people of this district many problems and has never found a tax hike he hasn't liked.
Aside from voting for every issue Nancy Pelosi has asked, he's now in trouble in a VA case in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania? Naturally, it doesn't look too good. Andrew Breitbart's has the story, written by Michael Volpe. Check it out here.
Andrew Breitbart is a professional blogger, with a fine staff and a full stable of blogs. KCC considers him a personal hero. Over the weekend, he introduced former Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) at the Tea Party Convention in Nashville, TN.
Brad Miller is the only "representative" that the North Carolina's 13th Congressional District has ever had and It's time we turned him out of office.
Turns out, there are at least three trying to do just that. Publisher/Editor Bernie Reeves recently jumped into the Republican primary, joining Navy vet and businessman Bill Randall. Businessman Dan Huffman also is in the race.
KCC will write more on this race later. Meanwhile, please click on and donate to the 13th GOP Congressional District. This group is charged with bringing Congressman Miller back home to Raleigh and they need your help to do it. Any amount is appreciated and you can donate via the website. Please help. (Sorry, but your contributions are not tax deductible.)
Editor's Note: Your blogger is a member of the North Carolina Republican Party's State Executive Committee, representing the 13th District, at-large. Additionally, she serves as treasurer for that group. It is the only official post she holds within the Party. The 13th District needs all the help it can get to help defeat Brad Miller in the Fall. It is an all-volunteer organization.
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