Whew, your blogger thinks it could be over; her pneumonia that is. KCC has been offline for quite a long time and has missed keeping up with news and events. The last major event she attended was the NCGOP Hall of Fame dinner where she was the offficial photographer.
She was already sick then, but a round of antibiotics got her there and made it possible for her get the shots. She still hasn't finished editing all of them and the folks at NCGOP have been gracious. After several trips to the hospital, and two more rounds of meds, she's on the mend and onto the next thing, so to speak. We continue to battle sinus problems and expect two surgeries this year. But your blogger will never back down.
Winter is usually off-time for KCC's political season. It's the time of year when KCC relaxes and spends extra time with her family. But political season never truly ends and announcements are coming right and left from those jumping into 2010 races. There are quite a number of Republican primary races this Spring, indicating that our party is healthier than it's been in a long while. We must take advantage of this in North Carolina, more so than at any other level.
The GOP must re-gain control of the NC House and take the NC Senate so that WE are the ones who draw the district lines. For years the Democrats have kept us shut out, even though we have received more votes, we are only allowed a few "safe" districts. To the victor go the spoils and this time, we cannot afford NOT to let someone else be in charge.
Currently, three factions are struggling for "control" of the GOP, the business-oriented moderates, the conservatives (some of these are religious conservatives) and former members of the Libertarian Party, who form a branch called the Republican Liberty Caucus. Each group brings its positive qualities to the table and KCC sees interesting times ahead.
After primaries end, your blogger wants to see a united front, with everyone coming together to elect a Republican NC General Assembly and U.S. Congress. No one sits home and everyone votes. Your blogger has had to "hold her nose" and vote plenty of times in the past, but by standing together, we will not fall.
Don't let them tread on us. 2010 is OURS! Let's get out there and take it!
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