Tuesday, Twitter was a-buzz with Obama's Wednesday State of the Union Speech. There were drinking games proposed. One was to take a drink every time the President used the name George W. Bush in his speech of blame games. Another drinking game suggested that conservatives hoist their glasses when the Teleprompter-in-Chief mentioned either himself or his administration. (Frankly, your blogger, if she were a drinking woman, would be passed out on the floor on that one.)
Wednesday afternoon, however, all politics seemed to be put aside for a new product from Apple. The poorly named gadget is a type of tablet computer, so named the I-PAD. Jokes have been flying across Twitter all day regarding female hygiene products. Though they are quite sophomoric, your blogger has found herself chuckling at one or two. Most agree that the marketing geeks at Apple need a few more females on their staff.
However, as an iPOD and former iphone user, this one looks great. As long as it doesn't involve a contract with AT&T, your blogger thinks it could be a hit.
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