The following is the July 4th message from NC Real ID, and was submitted to your blogger for posting:
(Photos, Fort Macon, Atlantic Beach, NC, courtesyMarshall Hurley)
Our state lawmakers have gone home to celebrate our nation's independence. Everyone should be enjoying this historical event.
The only problem is that our legislators in North Carolina have forgotten that this is the USA and not the USSR. They have forgotten that we have rights and liberties that they should be working to protect.
Representative Nelson Cole (D-Rockingham) said he didn't have time to deal with the Real ID. Another one told us to stop talking about it or the state may just fully implement the Real ID in NC.
So while our Representatives are at home celebrating stealing our liberties, you may want to use this time to get more support for our cause.
Then print out a copy of our petition
During the holiday talk about how the Real ID/ Pass Id/ Enhanced Drivers License is nothing more than a national ID Card.
Tell people how it will be stored in a massive database.
Tell people how their information will be a risk.
Tell people how their information will be shared with not only private companies who will profit form their information but it will be shared with other countries including Mexico.
Tell people how this ID system is costing us Millions of dollars in taxes, yet our legislators are working at this very moment to increase our taxes by $4 Billion!
Get them to sign the petition and after the holiday, contact me so I can collect them and submit them to be filed.
JOIN THE CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT Use the contact form below and provide us with your name e-mail address and phone number so we can bring this issue to the courts. index.php
Finally, we need some champions to help canvas NC House District 65, to let Representative Cole's Constituents know that he doesn’t have time to protect their identities. We also need someone to run against him in the next election. Please contact me to sign up. We will do some training before we go out and speak with people.
Have a wonderful time celebrating your freedoms by actively participating in them.
Editor's Note: About NC Real ID (from their website)
North Carolinians Against Real ID is a grassroots effort by We the People of North Carolina to stop the Real ID. We are comprised from all walks of life. Many members are proud U.S. Veterans. Others are grandparents, mothers, fathers, members of the clergy, business owners and so on.
Our Plan is a simple one. We will contact and educate every one of our Legislators until they understand the costs and privacy concerns when it comes to the Real ID. Furthermore, once we have educated them, we want legislation passed to stop all compliance of the Real ID Act and any databases that include biometric and other personal data required by the Real ID Act to be removed.
We want a secure driver's license, but creating a national id card is not the answer. Many states were already in the process of securing their drivers licenses before the Real ID was voted into law as part of a massive military spending bill.
Katy's Conservative Corner doesn't necessarily agree with all points made in guest columns. We present them for our readers to consider and to act on them as they choose.
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