The delegates are currently streaming in the convention hall is filling with delegates and there are more delegates than seats. Guests and visitors (non-credentialed delegates) have been asked to move to the walls or otherwise remain standing.
In short, the place is packed for the biggest action of the weekend, the election of the State Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party. Frankly, your blogger will be glad this is all over.
This has been a long campaign and your blogger has been extremely involved. We've tried to cover it fairly and positively and we promise to support the elected chairman, despite our endorsement of Tom Fetzer, the former Raleigh mayor.
Chad Adams' team is sporting red balloons that they surely plan to wave when their candidate speaks. The Fetzer folks have red, white, and blue signs. Both teams have "whips" that are to act as cheerleaders and start the applause at the appropriate point.
As a duly credentialed delegate, you blogger will be off and on this afternoon during the votes, and may be be blogging from her iPhone.
There are people yelling, blowing air horns, and getting generally crazy. This is going to be a rip roaring afternoon. There is no place that KCC would rather be.
Keep watching for more posts coming this afternoon.
By the way, at least 1/3 of the delegates are first timers to an NCGOP convention.
Update 2:18 PM Linda Daves, State Chairman of the NCGOP is giving her final report of the State Party. She's getting a rousing applause! Catch this streaming live NOW!
Update 2:34 PM In closing, outgoing Chairman Daves urged Delegates urged delegates not to abandon the principles of god, and country and she reminded them that "we are the party of courage and American Freedom."
"We are not the party for everyone. We are not the party of pessimism. We are not the party that says your government will be your savior. We are not the party of victim hood...we are not the party of entitlement. We are not afraid to discuss race and ethic differences. We are not the party of guilt. We are not the party that apologizes. We are the party that are proud to believe in what this great country stands for. We must be willing so stand up and be willing to speak up and against the most liberal President in our nations history."
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