I write to you today disappointed, angry, and at a loss for a direction. I consider myself to be fairly well informed on the issues surrounding our national politics. However, the results of the 2008 election in North Carolina have grieved my heart.
I grew up on the coast of North Carolina, in the Havelock and New Bern area (as did your blogger). My step-father was in the Marine Corps and that necessitated moving out of state a couple of times, but we always came back to Cherry Point MCAS. I then went to college in northwest Arkansas and met my wife. Finally, after ten years I relocated my family to North Carolina in April 2008; I returned home.
We currently live in Cary, though we are moving to Cleveland Township in Johnston County in less than two months, and I cannot believe the state of affairs.
I wasn't paying attention while growing up, but I do not recall a time when North Carolinians were so eager to wait upon the government to fulfill their needs. I knew in my heart that (John) McCain was not going to win the presidency. I did not believe in him, and I knew that America was not buying into him. However, I believed that a majority of North Carolinians would see past (Barak Hussein) Obama's "hopey, changey" platitudes and vote for the lesser of the two evils. I was ashamed to see North Carolina fall in line with the Democrat Party. I was dismayed that the highly qualified Pat McCrory lost to the incompetence of Bev Purdue.
With the election of Barack Obama and the devastation in Congress, I determined that I would at least tell them my mind when issues like Timothy Geithner or the "Spendulus" bill come before the Congress. I have sent e-mails to Senator (Richard) Burr and Senator (Kay) Hagan pleading with them to vote against both Geithner and the "Spendulus" bill.
In both cases, Senator Burr (right, photo by Getty images) has come through and voted in the right. In both cases Senator Hagan has voted against the people of North Carolina. In the case of the "Spendulus" bill, I even went so far as to contact their offices and requested that they vote against the bill, as the deficit would be passed on to my children and their children.
Senator Hagan has children, and with her vote she has consigned them to debtors prison.
In both cases, I have written e-mails thanking Senator Burr and letting my extreme dissatisfaction be known to Senator Hagan.
Yet, at the end of the day, Senator Hagan doesn't care a hill of beans about how satisfied I am. She probably figures that in six years, the majority will have forgotten.
Conservatism is armed with a mound of information and historical references to prove its worth. We have think tanks coming out of our ears, but for all of the information, there is little orchestrated action and not a single unifying voice rallying the cause.
I suppose part of the problem is that politics generally occurs during business hours, and generally, conservatives have a work ethic. On the other hand, Liberalism is armed with backwards logic and a lot of emotion. However, their cause is extremely well organized and their voices are heard on the national stage.
I apologize for the length of my e-mail. I write to you partly to vent my frustrations but also because you have obviously been involved in North Carolina's politics for some time.
I do not have money to give to politicians or think tanks or political action committees. However, I do have my hands and feet, and after God and my family, I love North Carolina. I cannot bear the thought of North Carolina going the way of Vermont and Connecticut and the rest of New England.
Is there a group in North Carolina that is seeking to stem the tide of Liberalism, a group that is doing more than just making speeches but is actually doing something to advance the cause?
I enjoy the blog. Keep up the good fight! Thank you for your time and indulgence.
Robert Brinson
Folks and Conservative Organizations:
Let's let Robert know about our conservative groups in North Carolina. He has just moved back to NC and isn't aware of everything we have. I did tell him about the upcoming rallies regarding "Save My Ballot" and the "Marriage Amendment" but he cannot get of work during those hours.
Please comment and tell him how he can get involved locally. There are many GOP auxiliary groups in Wake and Johnston counties (where he is moving.) But, we have many more organizations than just those. Please let him know.
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