Former GOP State Chairman Frank A. Rouse (left) never did simply retire to his home in Morehead City. He has stayed active, especially from his keyboard and his telephone. The man knows more people in this state than anyone else and he gets a great deal of information unavailable to others.
Here is his new column, Frankly Speaking, from the man your blogger calls only "Sir".
State GOP Chairman's Race
Chad Adams of Lee County is officially announcing his candidacy for NC/GOP Chairman. His last day at the John Locke Foundation is Friday. (Download Press Release Adams
Co-Frontrunner Woody White of New Hanover County has previously announced.
Frankly Speaking has learned that White has the Ambassador vote sewed up. Bush Administration Ambassadors Jim Culbertson of Forsyth County and Jim Cain of Wake County are supporting White.
Culbertson is from the more moderate wing of the party and Cain is from the Helms/Congressional Club wing. Former Congressman and former State GOP Chairman Bill Cobey is also supporting White. Patrick Ballantine, former State Senator and gubernatorial candidate is supporting White. Ballantine and White are former law partners. White served out Ballantine's Senate term when Patrick resigned to run for governor in 2004. You can go to this link for more information from Woody White.
Editor's Note: Look for information to come out soon from Adams. The new chairman will be elected at the NC GOP State Convention during the weekend of June 12-14.
Read more on Chad Adams here: Download Exec AdamsGOP
The North Carolina 2010 U.S. Senate Race
After the thrashing we took in '08, the Democrats think N. C. is a blue state. Ain't necessarily so. The 'crats have some horses raring and ready to go.
Heath Shuler:
The 2nd term congressman from the 11th district is already running. The problem is that he is running against U. S. Senator Richard Burr (R- N. C.) and he hasn't won his primary YET.
In the last 2 weeks he has voted against the Stimulus Bill twice. Shuler was one of only 11 "Blue Dogs" against the House bill and one of only seven Democrats against the final compromise bill.
Needless to say he was the only Democrat from N. C. to do so. Shuler also criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid publicly. It is obvious he is trying to run as a conservative against Burr.
Shuler is an attractive candidate. Running as a conservative Democrat against Burr, Shuler would give conservative Democrats an excuse to stay on the Democrat Roost. He would automatically get the black vote and the liberal Democrat vote. Shuler would also probably have a financial advantage because his party controls the state and federal governments and Democrats aren't statesmen when it comes to squeezing money out of patronage.
Shuler would be hard to beat. It would take a maximum Republican effort to win if the Democrats clear out and let Shuler have the nomination.
And now for the rest of the story.
N. C. Attorney General Roy Cooper:
Cooper is a "hair and teeth" politician. He's pretty. If he had a little more courage, we'd be calling him Senator instead of General. Cooper is a mainstream N. C. Democrat, not a "wild-eyed liberal" and he is not a conservative. He would beat Shuler in a primary because he would get the black and liberal vote. BUT, the word is he wants a clear field against Shuler.
He doesn't want a primary. Why? If Secretary of State Elaine Marshall gets in the primary, she could cause a problem. Almost 60% of the voters in a Democrat Primary are females. What about State Rep. Dan Blue? Over 40% of the Democrat Primary voters are black. What about charismatic Rep. Grier Martin or even Sen. Malcolm Graham? Talk about too many cooks.
Because of the 2008 election, the Democrats feel empowered, the women feel empowered, the blacks feel empowered, and the liberals feel empowered.
Of the crowd mentioned above Cooper should be the favorite, but remember the 40% rule. Anything can happen.
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water yet, it ain't over till it's over. Senator Richard Burr (left) has a solid conservative voting record. He is a handsome, charismatic statesman that can hold his own on the campaign trail with anyone, even without his socks if necessary.
Five minutes is a long time in politics. Burr's best bet, at this point in time, would be "anybody but Shuler," but any of the others mentioned could be a problem.
We need to elect a "kick ass" State Chairman that will lead us back to the "Promised Land" where conservative principles trump pragmatism, character counts and it's not politically incorrect to be politically aggressive.
In my opinion the following is the "Gold Standard" for the prerequisites for our next state chairman.
1- Posses a solid conservative philosophy.
2- Have an outstanding character.
3- Have demonstrated leadership ability.
4- Work full time, be totally committed to winning, Totally!!! That means family and social life too.
5- Hair and teeth, be able to communicate on TV and on the stump.
6-Consider himself to be personally expendable, be willing to fall on his sword for the cause, for the party or a candidate.
7- Have no ambitions for public office, be the hatchet man, not a "candidate type."
8- Be savagely independent, loyal only to the party, no faction or geographical favorites.
9- Be a strong type "A" personality, so he can go toe to toe with potential contributors, a candidate's wife, a sorehead or a lousy reporter.
10- Campaign hard for the position of chairman so he will have a constituency, when elected.
I'd like to throw in a personal airplane and be able to fly it, but that may be a little too restrictive.
So we may have to do what we did in the presidential race, put on a good face and support whomever the party chooses.
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