Taking a quick break from politics, your blogger is pleased to recognize that this is Big 4 night in ACC basketball. This is the night when the Big Four teams (Carolina, NC State, Duke, and Wake Forest for you youngsters and newbies) play each other.
Your blogger is a huge big four fan! She's off to the State/Wake game in a bit and then will rush home to watch the Carolina vs. Duke game on the tube.
Have fun and go Big Four. We RULE THE ACC and the nation for having the best basketball. The Big Four taught the nation to play basketball. (Think: Who taught former UNC Coach, Dean Smith, the game? Who taught HIM the game? Who perfected the game?)
If you are a Big four fan and don't like NC State, I'm sure you look forward to the day State plays a better, just so the games are better and more exciting. I look forward to the Big Four of old, and maybe, just maybe, even a return to the Big Four tournament.
UPDATE: CONGRATS to NC State and the Carolina Tarheels for their big wins.
I was also impressed by the Cameron Crazies for staying until the very end. They didn't leave early like many other fans do, when the game is essentially over and they want to "get to the parking lot" or they are simply disgusted. I'm no Dukie, but I respect the heck out of those Duke students and fans for staying until the very end, despite the one sided loss.
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