Several Bills were introduced in both legislative chambers on Thursday. The "short titles" are listed below. Click on each link to read the details, and see who sponsored and co-sponsored each, and to which committee it was assigned.
After clicking on the link below, you will arrive at the bill's detail page. There, you may click on the bill's short title to view the actual bill and see the changes being made to it, as well as print it for yourself. You may return to the page at any time to view any movement on the bill.
NC House
HB 2 Prohibit Smoking in Public and Work Places NC Senate SB 2 Lottery School Capital Fund Formula
HB 3 Disapprove Jordan Lake Rules
HB 4 Good Faith Exception/Exclusionary Rule
HB 5 Increase Fire and Rescue Benefits
HB 6 Davie's Law/Humane Euthanasia in Shelters
SB 3 Smoky Mountains National Park Plate Changes
SB 4 Clarify Emergency Judge Qualifications
SB 5 Continue Crossbow Permit/Dealers & Manufac.
SB 6 Beach Plan & Ins. Rate & Deductible Stay (This is a bill that conservatives have been waiting for and will be watching closely. This is one of those "bad bills" that your blogger mentioned previously.)
SB 7 Allow Hunting on Sundays (As a mountain biker, I am personally against this one. In many places, this is my only day I can ride and hunters have all week to hunt. I am a gun owner, am a member of the NRA, and my family are hunters, but I still like to ride for my health and riding off-road is loads of fun. It's not fun to be accidentally shot.)
SB 8 Funds for CAP/MR-DD Slots
SB 9 Amend Peeping Tom Law
SB 10 New Hanover Annexation Moratorium
SB 11 DA/Asst DA Concealed Gun in Court House
SB 12 Ban Mobile Phone Use While Driving (This one should be interesting.)
SB 13 Injury to Pregnant Woman/Penalty
SB 14 Create Employment Safety and Security Committee
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