Many North Carolina conservatives have told your blogger that though John McCain doesn't excite them, his running mate, Sarah Palin (left) most certainly does. Your blogger has repeatedly heard that Palin could be the next Ronald Reagan.
There will never be another Reagan. He was one of a kind. However, Governor Palin is special in her own right, and she, like your blogger, was greatly influenced by our 40th President.
She deftly handles tough questions. Recently, she handled a heckler with grace, by saying "Bless your heart. My son is in Iraq fighting so you have the freedom to say these things."
She has an easy manner with the camera and has the ability to clearly explain her positions. Conservatives everywhere are in love with Sarah. She has looks, style, and most of all, substance. Just like Reagan.
Your blogger and Palin are about the same age. We both came of age during the Reagan administration and KCC often refers to herself as a proud member of the Reagan generation. He meant so much to people like us, that we were forever affected by his greatness. That's why Katy's Conservative Corner is a "conservative blog" rather than just a "Republican blog".
It's only fitting that the person to take up his mantle is a fellow Gen Xer. Your blogger was a youngster of 14 when Reagan was first elected. It was a great awakening, politically. To see Palin have the ability to articulately explain her positions and excite conservatives in a way not seen since the great communicator, swells the heart of this blogger and conservatives everywhere. Reagan touched kids like us in a way that cannot be explained.
Sure, the left is after her. That's the way it goes when people love and admire you and look to you for leadership. People like Gov. Palin will always have "little dogs" nipping at their heels, trying to pull them off their ladder of success. Even those in her own party have tried to tear her down. It happens in every profession. But Sarah Palin manages it with grace and ease. If these small-minded people bother her, it never shows.
Palin was invited to this weekend's Defending the American Dream summit, sponsored by Americans for Prosperity. That, however, when she was JUST the Alaskan Governor. Since then, the world now knows her as "Sarah Barracuda",she needs to be traveling the country, spreading the REAL message of hope and change.
Look for great things for Sarah Palin. If she doesn't win the Vice Presidency, in '08, look for her to be THE front-runner in 2012 for President.
By then, the nation will have learned the truth about Barrack Hussein Obama, and he will have run his brand of socialism into the ground. Sure, he can talk a smooth game during a campaign, but he'll prove to be the worst President in American history, and Palin and her fellow conservatives will waltz into the White House, again.
It's not over yet, though, but we've all got our collective eyes on Sarah. So far, she hasn't disappointed.
Editor's Note:: To learn more about Palin, check out her biography, now in paperback. It's reached #3 on the New York Times "Best Seller List".
Read about her rise in politics, her populist message, and more in Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down.
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