You may have heard of the ancient Chinese method of torture - death by a thousand cuts. We are witnesses to a modern day version of the same technique applied to our national economy. The bleeding has just begun.
Big government tends to break things as it attempts to fix them. We have watched for decades as convoluted regulations, special interest indulgences, and ballooning government bureaucracies have kidnapped America's free market economy.
Now, the same federal government that helped create the mess through manipulated tax codes, regulatory meddling, and short-sighted monetary policy is pretending to rescue us. By throwing the door open to an empty treasury with unlimited printing and borrowing capacities, they are, in fact, assuring further calamity.
A true free market economy will self-correct unless the liability that goes with greed, deception and mismanagement is sidestepped. You can bet the white collared crooks in business and politics are working hard to do that very thing. Social predators can hide behind a tie as surely as a mask.
Dark clouds on the horizon tell us that America's beacon is at risk. We can remain optimistic, but there is comfort in knowing that light has been dimmed, but never extinguished. Even in the face of the harshest storm, beneath the rubble will rest an enduring foundation of liberty, opportunity, and responsibility - quietly waiting for us to remember and rebuild.
Editor's Note:
Dr. Carl Mumpower is running to unseat Heath Shuler in the 11th Congressional District. Learn more about him at his website.
We need Dr. Mumpower in Congress and he needs your support. His opponent claims to be a "conservative" but consistently votes with Liberal Nancy Pelosi and does have North Carolina values.
Katy's Conservative Corner has previously endorsed Mumpower and urges you to visit his website and donate whatever you can to his campaign!
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