This ends Katy's Conservative Corner's coverage of the Perdue/McCrory debate.
It was shown live on WTVD 11 of Durham. We blogged this event live from downtown Raleigh at a debate viewing party at the 101 Lounge in the Progress Energy building.
Quote of the evening by Mayor Pat McCrory: "We don't need another Governor's program that rhymes."
Please click the link at the bottom of the page to see more photos of the event.
Thanks for visiting.
Debate will be available on WTVD 11 website on Wednesday morning.
Closing statements:
Mayor Pat McCrory wants a statewide TV debate that Perdue won't agree to. Only two regions of the state are seeing this tonight. Mc has private sector business experience. He's proud to be re-elected seven times. He's brought jobs and jobs and jobs.
Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue: The next gov has to put in place the frame work for the next generation. This is an election about solutions. I've already been working on solutions. I'm not sure what she is talking about as she refers to the Wright brothers pushing their flying machine into the future.
Gas Tax: Perdue is dancing around whether we should get rid of the gas tax. She thinks we should have hybrid or diesel fuels that will allow us to get around it. "We have to come up with a different way to get around it." We must move people with buses. "The gas tax won't work much longer"????
McCrory: If I have a chance to cut any tax, the first one I'll cut is the income tax. It's a tremendous burden to the economy of NC. Best way to reduce gas prices is offshore drilling and the income tax.
Perdue wants the death penalty both ways. She pushed the moratorium but says she supports it? Pluuuuuuease.
Mayor Mc: Let's quit making families of victims wait for justice. Bring back the death penalty.
Gang problem:
Perdue: Must be tough on gangs. Let leaders of gangs understand that we have laws and we can lock them away for many years (where they learn to be better gangsters.) There's a pathway to college for the gangsters. There are really children like that in NC so they never get in gangs to start with.
Mayor Mc: He's been trying to work with Gov and trying to take away their assets but they wouldn't meet. He'd send up police officers to testify and find out that the meeting at the General Assembly with no notice. The General Assembly leaders (Perdue and Democrats) have weakened gang laws!
The Drought:
Mayor McCrory is used to dealing with such. He formed a coalition up and down the Catawba River to unite cities and towns to work together to preserve land and protect the natural resources.
Beverly says she has a track record. She's been into land acquisition before it was cool. The land for tomorrow initiative is very important. We have to have public space and more wuter. (That's her pronunciation folks.) The wuter belongs to all of us... This woman just loves to babble. Who knows what she is saying.
McCrory talks about Brown fields. It's land that is polluted that the state couldn't keep up with recycling. He believes in cleaning it up.
Larry Stogner - Moderator is pushing Bev on the terrible track records of black graduation records and terrible graduation over all. Bev things that smart smart and more at four will solve the problem unlike the studies that have shown that this does not work by 3rd grade. She loves nice lines like pathways to higher education.
(One audience member shouted out that these dropouts should join the Army and be all they can be!)
Mayor McCrory say he is not against education just because he's against free community college tuition. "We don't need another governor's program that rhymes." Community College tuition that's 'free' is not. It costs the government money and we need to acknowledge that.
Bev: On day one, she will be judged as the most transparent governor ever. (Then why does she work with the least transparent governor ever?) She says all of the public meetings will be on the Internet. Her personal schedule will be open to the public and has been "forever". She wants to makes the open meetings law even better.
Mayor McCrory: He has never seen this. The state legislature passes everything behind closed doors. This is not open and successful government. It is time for change! (Not the Obama type.)
Mental Health Crisis
Perdon't: NC, the whole system needs to be fixed, (yet the Dems broke it). She says there are 3 pieces to the puzzle - mental illness, substance abuse, developmental disabilities.
Mayor McCrory: Immediate short term steps - don't reduce the number of beds which is what the current administration was going to do until the legislators stopped. Must reopen Broughton in Morganton and figure out what went wrong at Cherry when the staff was having a party while a patient suffered for 23 hours before dying.
Illegal immigration
McCrory worked with Sheriff Pendergrass of Mecklenburg County in finding their multiple identities. He wants a detention center in NC so it's not a burden for sheriffs in NC. We are the 10th largest state and we should have one.
Bev is blaming the illegal immigration system on the feds. Not her problems. She promises to do everything in her power to get "undocumented folks documented." Not a good choice of words.
Bev is now saying that she approves drilling where they are already leases. Only one problem, there isn't much oil there. Also, she doesn't say that these leases are in the Gulf of Mexico. How convenient.
Mayor McCrory is having a blast and is extremely comfortable eating Miss Bev for lunch. Way to go.
OMG, Sweet Bev is now supporting offshore drilling immediately. Hell has frozen over. As long as it as a "responsiblee choice and not a reckless choice. McCrory is stating that he has NEVER changed his opinion on this issue. The Mayor says we can never been dependent on Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.
McCrory also supports wind, solar, nuclear, and offshore drilling. Just one week ago Perdue said offshore drilling would never happen on her watch. Way to hammer, Mayor.
After Beverly finished babbling on about health care and making little sense, McCrory called her on her misquotes and pointing out the death of a patient of at Cherry Hospital.
In short, the Mayor answered the questions on health care and made a slam dunk, as someone in the crowd here noted.
McCrory is speaking about difficulty covering heath care costs for his mother when she has Alzheimer's disease. He's worried that their are too many people choosing not to sign up for medical insurance. He says one of the answers is TORT reform to keep the costs of expensive lawsuits down and making medical care more affordable.
Perdon't says she is a leader in health care. (So, she worked at Craven County hospital, where her brother was one of the chief physicians.) She won't answer the question just points us to her to her website. She blabs on about children's heath care and how she started.
The best part of the HD TV is that 'ole Bev is looking rather rough.
Mayor McCrory says he has a long track record of trying to recruit and maintain diverse jobs and different types of jobs (ex biotech, banking, etc). He is a huge advocate of offshore DRILLING. Strong advocate for clean coal, and nuclear power. NC needs a diverse economy.
Oops the TV signal has cut out. Very appropriate for a Perdue remark!
All Perdue wants to talk about is her "record" on education. (What record?) She takes credit for keeping the state's military bases open. She's trying to appeal to all by trying to "build to new economies" including the so-called green economy. Somebody get this woman the hook.
The debate has begun. The crowd is quiet.
Folks are gathering in downtown Raleigh for the McCrory Perdue debate watching party. Your blogger cannot wait to see him take the sweet princess of Eastern NC apart. It's about to start in a few minutes.
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Editor's Note: Your blogger is Wake County Chairman of Women for McCrory and a proud member of Bloggers for McCrory.
Look below for more photos of the event.
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