Raleigh - Your blogger has some very kind neighbors in her West Raleigh neighborhood. They host a nice playgroup for our kids and watch our house when we are away, such as this week, which we have spent at the beach. However, they are about as far left as one can be.
This landed in the in box of KCC's private mail today and your blogger just felt that she had to share it:
Peace Action and Cameron Village Library are co-sponsoring an exhibit
this summer at the library July 10-20 on the effects of the bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
There will be a kick-off event this coming Thursday evening at Cameron Village
Library, starting at 7 pm, featuring representatives from the Hiroshima Museum
and a survivor of the bombing.
KCC's first thought when seeing the title, about a bombing remembering event, was to think that this was supposed to occur on December 7th, but how nice it was for these patriots to celebrate twice per year. Then, she read the contents! These people are for everyone but Americans.
Certainly, we hope to never use our nuclear capabilities again. But we must have them. Ronald Reagan taught us that "Peace through Strength" was the most effective defense weapon we could have.
What would your blogger do without her well-meaning, but fuzzy-headed liberals!
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