Today, Dome, the News and Observer's top political blog, reported that Barack Hussein Obama has opened campaign offices in a number of cities in North Carolina, with the headquarters in Raleigh.
Knowing that Obama won't wear an American flag pin, pledge the Flag, or even show common decency by placing his hand over his heart when the flag is displayed. Thus, KCC wonders if Obama staffers will have an American flag in his offices or the one of the Cuban/Che Guevara specialty.
If Senator Obama and his wife Michelle are ashamed of this nation, they should go where they feel more welcome. Your blogger suggests they might be happier in Iran. Michelle would have to give up all of the freedoms she enjoys here, such as being able to work outside the home, wear fashionable clothes, and say what she thinks or feels, no matter how silly.
KCC is ashamed of Senator Obama's actions and statements regarding our fine nation, and feels the Republicans would have a grand old time with him during the Fall elections. Just having Obama as the Democrat nominee, will draw so many conservatives to the polls, that John McCain's coattails might be much longer than earlier anticipated.
Editor's Note: Your blogger has been upset with the Republican National Committee and their process of allowing non-affiliated/independent voters to participate in Republican primaries. She thinks these Independents selected our party nominee, rather than did actual registered Republicans. KCC hopes this will be corrected before the 2012 election cycle.
Additionally, for those of you who want to condemn KCC for using Obama's middle name, we do so here because it IS his name. Thus, it cannot be "racist" as some on the left have charged.
Case in point: In the 1992 primaries, former President George Bush (41) was running against Pete DuPont of Delaware. DuPont's first name was actually Pierre, and Bush consistently called him that to point out what was a difference between them.
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