Bob Hunter, a conservative Republican from Greensboro, has filed to take on John Arrowood in that race for the North Carolina Court of Appeals. Court of Appeals races are run statewide and typically receive little attention from voters.
This race is crucial for conservatives however, as the incumbent Arrowood, is a homosexual activist appointed by Gov. Mike Easley, when elected conservative Eric Levinson resigned his post to go to Iraq to help build their judicial system.
A former board member of the group, Equality NC, Arrowood is strongly supported by the group which advocates for extreme liberal issues concerning the "gay, lesbian, and transgender community". Some issues are so offensive, they cannot be discussed here.
Arrowood is not merely running as a leftist, but as a homosexual leftist that could rule negatively on opinions that North Carolina families hold dear.
Bob Hunter must receive over 350 individual checks from 350 individual donors to qualify for state financing that the judicial candidates abide by. This is vital to his campaign and he needs your help!
Checks may be between the amounts of $10 and $500. Send your $10 check to Bob Hunter today to help him qualify. (In the "Fine Print" section, below this article, we have provided the address and detailed information you need.)
This is one judicial race that conservatives cannot afford to stand by and ignore.
While your blogger has nothing personally against gays and does not care what they do as consenting adults, she does care about Equality NC's attempts to tie homosexual desires onto the civil rights causes hard fought by black Americans. This is just wrong! Our fellow Americans were long persecuted as they fought to receive equal treatment under the law and the gay lobby unfairly has tried to hitch it's wagon to their plight!
These gay militants want to be able to be married, just as heterosexuals are, and that personally offends this blogger.
This is why it is so important that conservatives unseat gay militant John Arrowood and replace him with the conservative Bob Hunter.
Please do not be confused, as there is already a Bob Hunter on the NC Court of Appeals, but he holds a left-of-center system of values.
The particulars of donating to the conservative Bob Hunter are below. However, please remember these key facts:
1. Judicial races are officially now non-partisan. If you vote a straight ticket, you will NOT cast a vote for any judge.
2. After voting for the bigger named races, go to the end of the ballot. In 2008, there will be a very long list of local and statewide judges and selecting the conservatives will not be easy, as one must vote for them by NAME. (Your blogger is currently working on a website to simplify this for you. Announcement coming soon.)
3. There will be no R's or D's by any name. This is due to a move by our liberal General Assembly in order to stop the onslaught of Republicans winning judicial races. It's unfair, but it's the law and we must all abide.
4. Most of our conservative judges are men who are facing liberal Democrat women. Let's show them that we are onto their scheme and will not buy into their idea that "women are necessarily more compassionate".
5. Please send your check to the conservative Bob Hunter. Please look in the area below for detailed information.
The fine print:
You MUST be a North Carolina registered voter to contribute to a North Carolina judicial candidate. You must write a personal check, in any amount between $10 and $500.
North Carolina law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, job title, or profession, and name of employer or employer's specific field for each individual whose contributions aggregate is in excess of $50 in an election cycle.
Please make checks payable to:
Elect Bob Hunter
Judge NC Court of Appeals Committee
c/o James Denton, Treasurer
P. O. Box 38713
Greensboro NC 27438
or visit
Please provide your name, mailing address, Employer, Telephone, occupation, and email address.
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