How long has it been since you've taken a class at your local community college in North Carolina?
The last time your blogger did so, she was refreshing pleased to see the price tag. Every course was under $200 and most were under $100. This was for three hours of undergraduate or technical college credit. Not bad, she thought, until she realized why.
Our community colleges are not funded by the students. In fact, the students pay only a minuscule part of the overall cost. North Carolina's Community College's are paid for by the taxpayers.
Whether you use them or not, they are available for very little cost to you. (Sure, $200 per course may seem like a lot, but compare that to any public or private undergraduate institution and it is an unbelievable change!)
So, when the ho ha ha broke out last week about Governor Easley admitting illegals to our community colleges, Katy's Conservative Corner was intrigued.
Your blogger enjoys reading Talking About Politics, a blog by two experienced political strategists. She particularly enjoyed Carter Wrenn's recent blurb, Educating Illegals. In it, Wrenn wrote:
Here’s a heck of a thing: The Community Colleges are overcrowded, there’s a shortage of funds and classrooms, and the head of the Community College system has just ordered all fifty-eight campuses to admit illegal immigrants.
Well, the Community Colleges’ Lawyer has discovered a 1997 ruling by then Attorney General (now-Governor) Mike Easley that says Community Colleges can’t use something called ‘non-academic’ criteria to determine who they admit. Not admitting someone because they’re here illegally is a ‘non-academic’ decision.
What did the Governor have to say about all this? He based the buck. “You’re going to have to ask the current Attorney General that,” said Sherri Johnson, his communications director.
So, now, by default, the Easley Administration has a new policy: Providing college educations to illegal immigrants. If anyone ever wanted a clear example of the difference between having a Democratic versus a Republican Governor (or State House or Senate) – it’s hard to imagine one.
Katy's Conservative Corner receives many e-mails each day from candidates and elected officials. Your blogger cannot find a single one in either major party that is willing to stand up and support Governor Easley.
Wrenn's fellow pundit, Gary Pearce, writes that doing so would be "political suicide". However, Pearce argues, this issue "is just plain old racism, dressed up in new clothes."
Wrong, Mr. Pearce. Community colleges are meant to serve the citizens of North Carolina. Most such institutions usually post on their website a statement that they do not discriminate based on race, color, creed, or national origin, as it should be.
However, those in this country illegally are breaking the law. Lawbreakers, even if they are Hispanic, should not be pandered to, simply for votes.
North Carolina's taxpayers deserve better. We should not have to foot the bill to educate these illegals on the fully-subsidized taxpayer dime.
Your blogger's family simply cannot afford more taxes. If this keeps up, North Carolina will begin facing the so-called "brain drain" that has caused so many educated citizens to flee from other states, such as those in the liberal Northeast.
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