Fifty years ago, it was black kids. Today, it’s Latino kids. Yes, the children of illegal immigrants. But kids who still deserve an education and a chance in life.
Those are the words of another liberal whiner, consultant Gary Pearce, and they appeared today on his blog. This clown actually believes the words he writes.
Illegal kids do have a right to in whatever country they came from. But, not here, where all the world thinks that we Americans have pure silver falling out of our pockets and the streets are paved with gold.
The America, and North Carolina we live in, has plenty of problems of its own, including poverty which the rest of the world finds difficult to believe. We are trying our best to educate our own citizens at public expense and we simply cannot afford to put illegal aliens though our community college system.
We already give them a "free" primary and secondary education in our public schools and now this?
There are those who cry "racism" at every turn, at every unfortunate circumstance. They can't seem to understand that America has long been the home of the free for many different cultures who have arrived on our shores. America ceased to be about "white" and "black" many decades ago. We are now about "shades". The cheap "racism" charge is offensive, as it happens to be incidental that these illegals are hispanic.
There are processes in place to legally immigrate to the United States, yet certain groups feel entitled, to "the good life" that we are all working towards. There are processes in place for a reason. American can handle only so many non-taxpayers. We have enough work to do to take care of our own, and thus laws exist to limit who may immigrate and at what times.
To borrow a phrase, it's not about racism, stupid. It's about the bottom line. Taxpayers have enough on their hands, trying to pay for our government's ever-expanding "services", via the so-called fees, or taxes.
Then we have our community college president, Mr. Don't-Let-The-Door-Hit-You-On-The-Way-Out Martin Lancaster. This historical fact twister is called courageous to take this "stand". Why not? He's a liberal with nothing left to lose. He's retiring soon.
After being defeated in 1994 by RINO (and soon-to-be-Independent) Walter Jones, Jr., Lancaster was rewarded with his current post for being a good little Democrat for so many years.
As reported in this blog previously, North Carolina's Community Colleges are for the benefit of North Carolina's citizens, not illegal aliens. Our community college system is not a freebie benefit anyone anywhere simply because they want one. After all, money doesn't grow on trees.
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