I've been thinking about this for a while but the idea is still a little half-baked. I need your input.
This election cycle, if you're going to contribute to a cause other than your favorite Republican politician, why not support a cause to arm College Republicans with video cameras and editing equipment with a promise that they will help hold Democrats accountable for what they're saying on the trail?
In other words, an army of S.R Sidarth's, the most-famous modern volunteer of the 2006 election cycle who captured this damaging moment. The only difference: The army will be Republican. The target: vulnerable Democrats who say one thing in Washington and do another back home in their district.
Sounds good right?
The only problem is that no such cause exists (yet).
Technically, it's easy to do. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the CR network is vast and they're more than willing to step-up-to-the-plate for a good cause. With the infrastructure already in place, all they need is direction and the tools to get the job done right.
So this election, rather than arranging protests and painting signs, why not help provide video content to the masses of bloggers who will inevitably push a narrative to the mainstream media in their respective states?
Brand it CRTube and make it a clearinghouse of campaign moments. Put it all up and let the rest of us sift through for the nuggets.
I'm willing to help in many ways from providing video/editing training to finding a way to raise the bling through Slatecard. Together, we could do it.
Should we put our heads together on this one and come up with a plan?
I'm ready if you are.
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared at TechRepublican.com
The author, David All, is the president of The David All Group, LLC, co-founder of Slatecard, founder of TechRepublican, and an active contributor to techPresident and The Open House Project.
He can be reached at [email protected]
All most recently served as the communications director for Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA), the vice-chairman of the House Republican Conference and chairman of the Republican’s special messaging operation, Theme Team. During the 2006 campaign cycle, he was the communications director for Michigan Republican Senate candidate Mike Bouchard.
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