Jessica’s Law Now North Carolina is grateful for the recent passage of House Bill 933, The Jessica Lunsford Act, i.e. Jessica's Law.
We thank Representative Tim Moore’s, hard work towards making this happen. As commendatory, as we feel over getting over this hurtle, we are still at a crossroads. After the North Carolina House passed HB 933 Jessica Lunsford Act, it was forwarded to Senate Judiciary I Committee (Civil). If favorable, it would re-refer to the Appropriations/Base Budget.
Jessica’s Law Now North Carolina, had hoped that Senator Martin L. Nesbitt, Jr. Chairman of the [S] Judiciary I Committee would help HB 933 to move forward into becoming law.
Sadly this did not occur. Several concerned members of the North Carolina House well as the North Carolina Senate tried their best, but politics simply got in the way.
Jessica’s Law Now North Carolina is asking for your help, you can assist us by contacting the members of the Senate Judiciary I Committee.
Request that the members use this short session to help move forward HB 933, so the Senate can vote and hopefully will pass this into law.
Below is a list of all members of the Judiciary I Committee of the NC Senate, and all contact information. Please call or write these state senators and urge them to vote for HB 933.
Thank you,
Mark A. Palmer
Jessica’s Law Now North Carolina
CHAIRMAN, Martin L. Nesbitt, Jr. ( Buncombe CO .)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 300-B
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 300-B
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919/ 715- 3001
Email: [email protected]
29 N. Market Street , Asheville , N.C. 28801
828 / 252-0490
VICE - CHAIRMAN, Phil Berger (Guilford, Rockingham CO.)
N.C. Senate
16 W. Jones Street, Room 1026
Raleigh, N.C. 27601-2808
16 W. Jones Street, Room 1026
Raleigh, N.C. 27601-2808
Phone: 919/ 733-5708
Email: [email protected]
P.O. Box 1309 , Eden , N.C. 27289-1309
336 / 623-5210
VICE – CHAIRMAN, Daniel G. Clodfelter ( Mecklenburg CO .)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 408
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 408
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919/ 715-8331
Email: [email protected]
100 N. Tryon St., Charlotte , N.C. 28202-4003
704 / 331-1041
VICE – CHAIRMAN, R. C. Soles, Jr. (Brunswick, Columbus, Pender CO.)
N.C. Senate
16 W. Jones Street, Room 2022
Raleigh, N.C. 27601-2808
16 W. Jones Street, Room 2022
Raleigh, N.C. 27601-2808
Phone: 919 / 733-5963
Email: [email protected]
P.O. Box 6, Tabor City , N.C. 28463
910 / 653-2015
MEMBER, Charles W. Albertson (Duplin, Lenoir, Sampson CO.)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 525
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 525
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 733-5705
Email: [email protected]
Musician, Retired PDQ. Officer, Farmer
Room 525, Raleigh , N.C. 27603-5925
919 / 733-5705
MEMBER, Julia Boseman (New Hanover CO .)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 309
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 309
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 715-2525
Email: [email protected]
5917 Oleander Drive, Unit 200, Wilmington , N.C. 28403
910 / 251-6975
MEMBER, Andrew C. Brock (Davie, Rowan CO.)
N.C. Senate
16 W. Jones Street, Room 1119
Raleigh, N.C. 27601-2808
16 W. Jones Street, Room 1119
Raleigh, N.C. 27601-2808
Phone: 919/ 715-0690
Email: [email protected]
2207 Farmington Road, Mocksville , NC 27028
336 / 998-3166
Editor's Note: Senator Brock is a big supporter of Jessica's Law, but please contact him anyway, so he'll know how widespread the support is.
Member, Harry Brown (Jones, Onslow CO.)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 515
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 515
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 715-3034
Email: [email protected]
Owner of National Dodge- Subaru & National Volkswagen
2223 N. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville , N.C. 28546
910 / 347-3777
MEMBER, Peter S. Brunstetter ( Forsyth CO .)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 522
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 522
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 733-7850
Email: [email protected]
One W. Fourth Street, Winston-Salem , N.C. 27101
336 / 747-6604
MEMBER, Janet Cowell ( Wake CO .)
N.C. Senate
16 W. Jones Street, Room 1028
Raleigh, N.C. 27601-2808
16 W. Jones Street, Room 1028
Raleigh, N.C. 27601-2808
Phone: 919 / 715-6400
Email: [email protected]
Stategic Planning Consultant - Fountainworks
16 W. Jones Street, Raleigh , N.C. 27601
919 / 858-5337
Editor's Note: Sen. Cowell is running for the Democrat nomination for State Treasurer.
MEMBER, Malcolm Graham ( Mecklenburg CO .)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 620
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 620
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 733-5650
Email: [email protected]
Business Consultant
3404 Cresta Court, Charlotte , N.C. 28269
704 / 547-1193
MEMBER, David W. Hoyle (Gaston CO .)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 300-A
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 300-A
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 733-5734
Email: [email protected]
Real Estate Developer/Investor
P.O. Box 2567, Gastonia , N.C. 28053
704 / 867-0822
MEMBER, Clark Jenkins (Edgecombe, Martin, Pitt CO.)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 308
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 308
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 715-3040
Email: [email protected]
W. S. Clark Farms
P. O. Box 310, Tarboro , N.C. 27886
252 / 823-7029
Member, Eleanor Kinnaird (Orange, Person CO.)
N.C. Senate
16 W. Jones Street, Room 2115
Raleigh, N.C. 27601-2808
16 W. Jones Street, Room 2115
Raleigh, N.C. 27601-2808
Phone: 919 / 733-5804
Email: [email protected]
207 W. Poplar Avenue, Carrboro , N.C. 27510
919 / 929-1607
MEMBER, Vernon Malone ( Wake CO .)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 314
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 314
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 733-5880
Email: [email protected]
2124 Lyndhurst Drive, Raleigh , N.C. 27610
704 / 828-5853
MEMBER, Floyd B. McKissick, Jr. ( Durham CO .)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 621
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 621
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 733-4599
Email: [email protected]
Room 621, Raleigh , N.C. 27603-5925
919 / 733-4599
MEMBER, Tony Rand (Bladen, Cumberland CO.)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 300-C
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 300-C
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 733-9892
Email: [email protected]
2014 Litho Place, Fayetteville , N.C. 28304
910 / 222-8096
MEMBER, Richard Stevens ( Wake CO .)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 406
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 406
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 733-5653
Email: [email protected]
Management Consultant
Address: 132 Lochwood W. Drive , Cary , N.C. 27511
919 / 851-1177
MEMBER, Jerry W. Tillman (Montgomery, Randolph CO.)
N.C. Senate
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 628
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 628
Raleigh, N.C. 27603-5925
Phone: 919 / 733-5870
Email: [email protected]
Retired School Administrator
1207 Dogwood Lane, Archdale , N.C. 27263
336 / 431-5325
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