Monday, October 15th, is Blog Action Day. I looked into it a bit and realized that on "Blog Action Day", bloggers are encouraged to blog about "the environment". I couldn't resist.
Our misguided liberal friends love to pigeon-hole conservatives into one big ole' lump. They think we want to poison the water, foul the air, drive big SUVs (correct), cut down all the trees, kill the baby bunnies, club the seals, and execute the whales. (Wait, didn't the whales make a comeback in the 80s?)
While it is true that I love driving my Jeep Wrangler for fun, and my Ford Escape for safety, I don't apologize for it. They aren't the big SUVs, but if I could afford one, I'd have a Hummer.
Now, our former veep, Al Gore, has won a Nobel Peace Prize for misleading people in that stinker, "An Inconvenient Truth".
We know that he'll be flying in his private jet, to Oslo, where he and Tipper will pick up the award. He's recently been photographed using one of the least efficient aircraft available, yet he feels compelled to tell we "little people" how to live our daily lives.
Further, this misinformation tells us that we are facing an irreversible "global warming". Gore thinks that this is due to humankind's inability to police itself and that tougher environmental regulations are needed. (More regulations from a liberal, what's new?)
Al Gore is right on one account. We are in a warming trend. Just not the type he envisions.
Our environment is cyclical and the earth has warming since the mid-nineteenth century. Previously, we were, in what scientists call, a mini-ice age.
Famed hurricane forecaster, William Gray, has received much criticism for speaking out against the environmentalist wackos (as Rush calls them). He disagrees with Gore and others on their theories about global warming. In Sunday's News and Observer print edition, a report on his opinion was buried in the fine print that usually ends up in our recycle bin without being read. (Yes, we do recycle.)
I appreciate this special day to give me the opportunity to help clear things up. We should all learn the truth about what is happening in our environment, and more importantly, what is NOT happening. Have a great "Blog Action Day". I know I will.
For More Information:
- Global Warming - A Chilling Perspective
- Inaccuracies in Gore's movie
- Aliens Cause Global Warming
- The Case for Skeptics on Global Warming
- Falling Ocean Currents Cause Fears of Mini-Ice Age
Thank you to Rob Benningfield, my husband, for contributing to this report.
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